Read updates from Primary Seven while they are at Lagganlia

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Happy Days!

Dear all,
School just isn't the same without you - the behaviour is better and everyone is getting more work done...(not beacuase P7 is away - just the teachers!)
Seriously though, I'm sure you are having a great time. School Camp is one of those experiences which you will never forget. Many of you will face fears and overcome them, I'll never forget my first time abseiling - truly terrifying but it was one of the best feelings ever to have done something like that. Even more of you will make a new friend, get to know someone better and maybe even develop your organisational skills a tad!
I can't wait to hear all your stories and see the photographs. From what I heard you were a great team at Benmore and I have every confidence that you will be just as good at Lagganlia.
Luv to you all (teachers too!)
Mr H

Glad to hear you are having fun

Great to hear you are all having so much fun. I wish I was there right now and did not have to wait until tomorrow night. I bet the Primary 7 teachers have a nice peaceful activity lined up for me on Thursday.

Love to you all

Wendy French

First Morning of Fun!

Hi all,
The sky is blue and the scenery is spectacular! The first morning of activities and the fun has begun. Scott had his first go on skis and was excellent, and Mena perservered after every tumble and got back up and tried again! Rueben and Hassib won the group orienteering competition, but Declan and Aiden got lost! Kayaking was brilliant on the loch in the sunshine. Lizzie and Georgia were very impressive! Theo and Robert braved the temperatures and went for a swim! The whole group enjoyed a luxury sauna afterwards to warm up. All enjoyed a home-made packed lunch and hot chocolate and now off for an afternoon of excitement and more activities before fish and chips for tea!
The Lagganlia Gang x

Enjoy your first day of activities

Hey ho lovely ones, hope you have all settled in to your dorms. Today will be your first day of activities and I am very jealous and wishing I didn't have to wait till Wednesday to come up. Remember your job is to get wet and at least a little mucky, it proves you are having a good time.

See you soon.

Love Ms French