Read updates from Primary Seven while they are at Lagganlia

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

White Water Rafting

Prior to going white water rafting we had to get our equipment which was: Wetsuit to keep you warm, life jacket to keep you afloat if you fall out and and wolly overalls to keep you warm. We also needed a boat, oars and a river (Spay) with good river rapids!
before we could go out white water rafting the instructors had to go over some things. First they taught us some calls:GET DOWN! (thats if your going to hit something really hard) hold on (if your going something softly) forward paddle, backwards paddle and back to positions. After that the instructors told us how to forward paddle (by paddling the way your going) and backwards paddle (by paddling the opposite way your paddling.)
A major part of white water rafting is teamwork because you have to paddle at the same time or its a complete waist of time and you will go all over the place.

by Cammy



Blogger Ms Gallagher said...

You are so lucky to have had a chance to do white water rafting!

Ms Gallagher

7:46 am


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